Gifted and Talented
Program Statement
Gifted and talented students are those who are identified in grades 3-12 as demonstrating high performance ability or potential in academic and/or artistic areas and therefore require an educational program beyond that normally provided by the general school program in order to achieve their potential.
Academic Program
Eligibility Criteria
There are three dimensions used in the identification process:
Dimension A: Reasoning abilities are those higher level cognitive processes that reflect general aptitude for thought. Nationally normed individual or group aptitude tests are used in assessing eligibility under this dimension. Students must demonstrate high aptitude at the 93rd national age percentile or above in one or more of the following areas: verbal/linguistic, quantitative/mathematical, nonverbal, and/or a composite of the three areas.
Dimension B: High achievement in reading and/or mathematics must be demonstrated with a 94th national age percentile score or above on an achievement test, such as Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) or by scoring at the Advanced level on Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (PASS).
Dimension C: Students must demonstrate a high degree of interest in and commitment to academic and/or intellectual pursuits. Measures for placement under Dimension C include the verbal or nonverbal assessments of Project STAR for rising third through sixth graders. Rising seventh through twelfth graders must have a GPA of 3.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale in academic disciplines in order to qualify under Dimension C.
Students must meet the requirements in 2 of the 3 dimensions unless the score in Dimension A is at the 96th national age percentile or higher for students in grades 3-12 or at the 98th national age percentile or higher for students in grades 1 and 2. If this condition is met, the student qualifies for the gifted and talented program and is not required to meet the criteria of a second dimension.
Screening Process
Each fall, all second grade students are screened for the academic gifted and talented program through the use of nationally norm-referenced tests of achievement and aptitude.
Referral Process
Teachers, administrators, parents, and students may refer someone for screening for the gifted and talented program. The referral should be made to the school administrator who will give this information to the District Gifted and Talented Coordinator. Students who are referred to the gifted and talented program will be tested at the time of referral if appropriate tests scores are unavailable.
Program Model
Latta Elementary School: Third through fifth grade academically gifted and talented students are served daily through a pull-out program. During this 40 minute period, gifted and talented math and science curriculum is used.
Latta Middle School: Sixth through eighth grade academically gifted and talented students are served in daily Honors classes through the Language Arts department.
Latta High School: Ninth through twelfth grade academically gifted and talented students are served through daily Honors classes.
Artistic Program
Identification Process:
Referrals for the artistic gifted and talented program are accepted from administrators, parents, teachers, and students. Referred students must also be recommended for the program by a teacher who has observed the referred student's artistic skills.
In order to qualify for enrollment in the gifted and talented artistic program, referred and recommended students are required to complete an interview/questionnaire and portfolio/demonstration which is held after school and/or on Saturdays.
Program Model:
Artistic gifted and talented students are currently served at the middle school level in the area of visual arts. Students who qualify for this program are served during the school day. Additionally, they are eligible to participate in special activities on select days after school and on select Saturdays. The goal of this program is to assist identified students in reaching their maximum potential by providing appropriately challenging instruction and related activities.
Contact Information
Sandy Jones
Chief Officer of Academics and Federal Programs
Email Sandy Jones
843-752-7101, ext 1023.