Note from the Superintendent
We are glad you are visiting our website. We hope that you find the information to be helpful as well as effective to meet your needs. This website provides access to district, school, and community connections that may be of interest to staff, students, parents, and other visitors.
Our main goal is to use this technology as another way to communicate school information to the general public. We are pleased to provide you this service as a way to stay informed about our district, your child's school and your child's progress.
Stephanie Ard
Superintendent of Latta Schools
Surplus Property
In accordance with Proviso 1.88 (was 1.113) (SDE: Surplus Property), Dillon School District Three has identified no property that has gone unused for student education in four years or longer.
School & District Report Cards
District Report Card **
Latta Elementary School **
Latta Middle School **
Latta High School **
District Facts
Small Town/Rural District ~ 150 square miles *
2020 District Census ~ 7,340 people *
3 schools (Pre-K through 12) ~ 1,490 students (21-22) **
Latta Elementary (PK-4) ~ 627 students (21-22) **
Latta Middle (5-8) ~ 437 students (21-22) **
Latta High (9-12) ~ 426 students (21-22) **
Facts on the Facilities
LES built in 2014
LMS built 1954; additions 1962, 1969, 1972; remodeled 1983, 1997
LHS built 1974; additions 1976, 1981, 1992, 1998; remodeled 1992, 1996, 2014